5 Tips For Discussing Estate Planning With Your Family This Holiday

The holiday season is a time for us to come together with our loved ones to share in joy and celebration. While gatherings with family and friends are filled with warmth and laughter, they also provide an opportunity for important conversations, such as estate planning.

Discussing the future may seem daunting, or even morbid to some, but addressing it during the holidays can help to recontextualize the conversation. Here are our tips to help you broach the topic of estate planning during this upcoming holiday season.

  1. Choose the Right Setting: Selecting an appropriate setting for such a conversation is vital. Instead of bringing up estate planning during a hectic family dinner, consider having a dedicated time for a calm and private discussion. This could be after a meal or during a quiet moment when everyone is relaxed. When planning the itinerary for your family gatherings, you might include a time for the discussion. Your family might be more open to the conversation if they know it’s coming; that way they can have questions ready.
  2. Emphasize the Importance of Planning Early: Begin the conversation by highlighting your “why”. Explain that estate planning is not just about distributing assets, but also creating a plan so that your family doesn’t have to scramble during emotionally volatile times. Your estate plan is a safety net for yourself and your family to help ease the emotional burden that comes from loss or incapacitation. Frame estate planning as an act of love and responsibility towards the family’s future. Early planning allows for more thoughtful decision-making and can help minimize stress during challenging times. Emphasize that estate planning is not just for the elderly but is a responsible step for adults of all ages.
  3. Share Personal Stories: To make the discussion more relatable, share personal stories or anecdotes about friends or acquaintances who faced challenges due to a lack of estate planning. Real-life examples can make the topic more tangible and help your family understand the potential consequences of not having a plan in place.
  4. Focus on Common Goals:  Highlight the common goals and values that your family shares. Estate planning is not just about financial matters; it is also about preserving family harmony and ensuring that everyone is taken care of. By focusing on shared objectives, you can emphasize the collaborative nature of the process.
  5. Encourage Open Communication:  Create an environment where everyone feels comfortable expressing their thoughts and concerns. Encourage open dialogue and assure your family that estate planning is an ongoing process that can be revisited and adjusted as circumstances change. Your loved ones are not mind-readers. Giving yourself the opportunity to communicate your motivations will foster open discussion and provide the opportunity for everyone to feel heard.

Approaching the topic of estate planning during the holidays requires sensitivity and care. By choosing the right setting, emphasizing common goals, and encouraging open communication, you can make this crucial conversation a positive and collaborative experience for your family. Remember, discussing estate planning is an act of love that contributes to the well-being and unity of your family in the long run.

Want to know more about estate planning? Visit the Law Offices of Elsa W. Smith YouTube page for free content about estate planning, probate, and estate administration.

This article is for educational purposes only, not to provide specific legal advice. It should not be used as a substitute for competent legal advice from a licensed professional attorney in your state.

For assistance with Maryland D.C. estate planning and probate, contact the

Law Offices of Elsa W. Smith, LLC at


Attorney Elsa W. Smith