Reasons Not To Procrastinate On Downsizing

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Take a moment to think about five items in your home that you no longer need or want. What’s collecting dust in your attic? Could your child use Grandma’s china set now? In this article, we will discuss the topic of downsizing. Whether you’re entering a new life chapter that requires fewer belongings or simply seeking a more organized living space, here are three reasons to consider downsizing. 

    1. Resolve Conflicts over Possessions

Do you have a selection of objects, such as jewelry, collectibles, or sentimental photographs, that you want to pass down to family or friends one day? What would you do if multiple people expressed interest in the same item? Engaging in conversations with your loved ones while downsizing allows for meaningful discussions about who would value specific items and potentially resolve any disagreements concerning cherished possessions.

Consider taking pictures of your belongings with your phone or making a list of items that others might want. Then, host a laid-back family gathering with your favorite adult beverages and comfort foods. Use this time to talk about family heirlooms and other assets. You may have the opportunity to create some great memories if you are willing to give it a try.

    2. Streamline Your Life (and The Probate Process)

Many times, we don’t realize the extent of a person’s possessions until they pass away. Downsizing your belongings now allows you to reassess the significance of each item and enjoy a more organized living space. 

Also, it is worth noting that downsizing reduces the burden on your loved ones during probate. Keep in mind that there will be many items that need to be thrown out, donated, sold, or distributed. The more you handle that now, the less of a burden it will be on your loved ones.

    3. Generate Additional Income

While sentimental value is often attached to our belongings, some items can be sold for a substantial amount when downsizing. The proceeds can be used to fund a vacation, invest, or set up a trust for future generations. 

Whether you’re relocating, estate planning, or simply looking to declutter, downsizing can help prevent conflicts, streamline your life (and the probate process), and potentially generate additional income. 

We believe that this article serves as a gentle reminder of the importance of downsizing in estate planning and may be helpful to you.

This article is for educational purposes only, not to provide specific legal advice. It should not be used as a substitute for competent legal advice from a licensed professional attorney in your state.

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Attorney Elsa W. Smith