How Do You Help A Parent Who Refuses To Do Estate Planning?

Here are some possible steps you can consider when helping a parent who refuses to do estate planning:

  1. Start with education: Explain the importance of estate planning and what will happen if they don’t plan ahead.
  2. Emphasize the benefits: Point out the benefits of estate planning, such as avoiding probate court, minimizing estate taxes, and ensuring their assets are distributed as they desire.
  3. Consider their objections: Find out what is causing your parent’s resistance and address their concerns directly.
  4. Involve a professional: Consider engaging the services of an estate planning attorney or financial advisor who can help explain the process and answer questions.
  5. Lead by example: If you have done your own estate planning, share your positive experience with your parent and encourage them to do the same.
  6. Be patient and persistent: Estate planning can be a sensitive and emotional topic, so it may take time to persuade your parent. Keep the lines of communication open and continue to emphasize the benefits.

Ultimately, the decision to engage in estate planning is up to the individual and it is important to respect their choices. We welcome the opportunity to assist you and your family in this process.  Sometimes hearing this information from an experienced estate planning professional may make the difference in getting your parent to make the next right move.

This article is for educational purposes only, not to provide specific legal advice. It should not be used as a substitute for competent legal advice from a licensed professional attorney in your state.

For assistance with Maryland and D.C. estate planning,


the Law Offices of Elsa W. Smith, LLC at
